Their mission is to seek, destroy and get the hell out of there.ĭOWNLOAD DOOMED SPACE WARS (55.2mb zip file / idgames), READ THE TEXT FILEįor Doom 2. The UAC has sent a team of marines there to investigate and they realize that they are in the fight for their lives. STORY: An abandoned imperial space station named "Ondor" has been hijacked by an unknown force and is heading towards our Solar System.

Also within the great space station lie tons of secrets (some which are hard to find) and Easter eggs to spoil the player making his or her journey easier. Doomed Space Wars also contains an original Star Wars-inspired orchestral soundtrack composed by me in mp3 format, PSX Doom sound effects, reverb, basic scripting. Doomed Space Wars contains 9 gigantic main levels, 3 huge secret levels and 10 crazy deathmatch levels. The maps are heavily inspired by Star Wars, but have Doom enemies and weapons. Blind Alley Q., "The Warf" (BNDALYQ.Add on levels for (Ultimate) Doom and Doom 2 created by me.ĭOOMED SPACE WARS - Released on 1 September 2015 after almost 2 years of development Doomed Space Wars is a new episode for Doom 2 that requires the Zdoom source port to play.Blind Alley E., "The Pit" (BNDALYE.WAD).Ammo is relatively plentiful for a change but health is at a premium. I guess that the drop-down ambush near the exit could be bad if you seize up. I think it's because there are several sneaky hitscanner angles in addition to the fliers and initially limited player movement space. The exterior cacodemon fight was the most dangerous to me. Memfis has crammed the level full of ambushes. The layout is highly interconnected with windows and passages so it's fun to explore. That said, the plasma gun is offered up early so the firepower is available. It starts out with you facing down an arch-vile the immediate forced movement belies how much more treachery is afoot. This one's a bit larger, something like a stone fortress built into a granite mountain. I also think that the dual use of the pond teleporter is neat. I like the jump into the blood pool before you run up the spiral stair and the inevitable ambush. The progression has a few wicked cool spots. It's really up to how well you handle skeletons. The single most potentially dangerous encounter occurs after the blue key grab, I think. The monster placement isn't too tricky but Memfis is pretty big on abusing interconnectivity to put you at the momentary mercy of hitscanners. You may end up doing quite a bit of work with the regular shotty, though, depending on where your will takes you. The SSG is available early which is nice considering how many revenants show up during the course.